Unlock your potential

a Play It By Voice online course


This is an online course for choir singers, vocal group singers, music teachers and choir conductors


Is this a course for you?

Unlock your potential is a comprehensive online course for choir singers and vocal group singers, as well as for music teachers and choir leaders who are interested in a singer-centered point of view, and who want to learn musical skills that are fundamental to singing together.

The contents are focused around exercises for different musical skills essential to singing together. The exercises are made for any singer, regardless of whether you see yourself as an amateur or a person with professional ambitions.

Course creator: Peder Karlsson

photo: Cecilia Lundmark

Guest contributor: Jim Daus Hjernøe (Rhythm)

Course purpose

Doing the exercises of the course lessons makes it possible for you to connect many different pieces of useful musical knowledge, within a reasonable amount of time, regardless of whether you have had a musical education or not.

Course prices

350 € – “I have a thousand questions and I am very eager to learn all there is to know” – Access to the course with all materials, for one year, plus three individual 60-minute online coaching sessions

130 € – “I learn at my own pace” – Access to the course with all materials, for one year

70 € – “I learn quickly” – Access to the course with all materials, for six months

35 € – Test pilot – Same as “I learn quickly”, with the addition that you agree to fill out our evaluation form before Aug 25th, 2024. more info…

A 90-minute group webinar every three months is included at all price levels.

What you get

Unlock your potential contains:

  • 15 learning-by-doing lessons

  • 4 bonus lessons with sing-along songs, score examples and extra exercises

  • 29 exercise videos

  • Exercise tutorials for singers’ individual practise

  • Inspiration videos with real-life stories and interviews about the background to how Play It By Voice pedagogy was developed. Key insights, interesting moments, and so forth.

The exercise modules, with a typical duration of 1-5 minutes, unlock your potential for skills that are fundamental to collective singing, with a specific focus on embodied, musical understanding of Rhythm, Intonation, Sound & Blend, and Expression.


until August 25th, 2024

Do you want to be a test pilot for this course?

  • The test pilot project for Unlock your potential begins on May 19th and ends on August 25th, 2024.

    You can join this project until August 1st, 2024.

  • When you buy this option, then you agree to:

    • writing down your Learning expectations before you start the course

    • filling out our Course evaluation form before August 20th, 2024


    35€ (half price)

    If you do not do the evaluation

    If you agree to, but would not follow these terms of agreement, then we would invoice you for 35 euros. In other words: then you would pay the regular course price for a six-month subscription.

  • At purchase, choose the alternative “Test pilot”, and then pay the reduced course fee (35€). Choosing this option means that you agree to fill out our evaluation form before Aug 25th, 2024.

A unique art form

photo: Tina Axelsson

Collective singing is a craft partly distinct from solo singing; a unique musical art form that includes many different genres. The musical and physical knowledge essential to this craft can be learned by any choir singer.

But – where can you find a school that offers a program for collective singing that you can attend individually? The lack of such programs is a gap in music education all over the world.

This online course has been made from an intention to fill that gap.




info in detail about each course lesson

  • Course overview

    This lesson presents an overview of the chapters of Unlock your potential :

    Inner spotlightRhythmIntonationSound & BlendExpressionPhysical ear-training.

    Nine areas of practice

    This lesson contains a map of skills that are fundamental to singing together.

    Doing the Unlock your potential exercise modules leads to successive development of nine types of musical skills. Accordingly, Unlock your potential practice is divided into nine areas, with exercise modules for each area of practice, or skill type.

  • Inner spotlight is a metaphor for the continuous activity, while singing, to move your target point of focused attention between different musical factors.

    Your power to give attention

    – to whom and to what do you give your full attention right now?

    This is a short lesson with just one video that aims at bringing awareness to the power of your visual attention.


    Audiation is notes, phrases, melodies, rhythms and harmonies that you perceive in your inner hearing, without any music being actually heard.

    This short lesson includes two exercise videos: Inner hearing activation and Your inner note.

    Goals: to bring awareness to the power of your audiotory attention, to introduce audiation as an everyday tool, and to release eventual insecurity or fear of intonation.


    Bodyation is physical and kinaesthetic imagery. Experience and research has shown that physical imagery has an impact on both neural and physical development, even when no physical movement has taken place.

    This lesson includes four videos: Physical attention, Bodyation, Voice instrument activation, and Five body instruments.

    Goals: to bring awareness to the power of your physical attention, to introduce bodyation as an everyday tool, and to release eventual insecurity or fear of rhythm.

  • Downbeat and upbeat with a sense of gravity

    Physical movement with a sense of gravity provides you with a reference to pulse, in your own body – your “rhythmical GPS”.

    This lesson contains two videos.

    Physical relation between pulse and subdivisions

    In this lesson, your practice is to relate rhythmically to four different pulse sources: 1) your voice, 2) your hands, 3) your feet, and 4) your whole body. The pulse source serves as a reference to simple rhythmic phrases that you rotate between your voice, your hands and your feet.

    This lesson contains three videos.

    Goal: for you to be confident about your performance of pulse, tempo, and rhythmic patterns.


    In this lesson, you practice internal and external reference to pulse.

    Internal reference: that your singing is synchronized with the pulse provided by your own body.

    External reference: that your voice and your body are tightly synchronized with an external pulse reference; a metronome, a recording, other singers, your conductor.

    This lesson contains three videos.

    Goal: for you to be confident about your capacity for rhythmical tightness.

  • Aim for the next station

    This practice is about how to audiate notes (“stations”) in the next phrase coming up. Experience has shown that once stations are sung in tune, the intonation of the whole phrase falls into place around the stations.

    This lesson contains one video with an example exercise, followed by tutorials for how to use this basic concept with your repertoire.

    Hit the right notes

    This lesson is about physical preparation.Your voice is a very flexible instrument, capable of making a wide range of different sounds. For proper intonation, it is essential to be prepared physically before you change the shape of your voice from one sound to another. In a cappella arrangements, such changes often happen very fast. Which is why you need to practice very slowly at first.

    This lesson contains three exercise videos, plus tutorials for how to extend this practice to your repertoire.

    Fit in with the harmony

    This lesson is about fine-tuned intonation, balance within a chord, and intuitive understanding of harmonic context.

    It does make a difference which note within the harmony that you are singing.

    Some knowledge of music theory can be helpful, but you don’t need to be trained in music theory to do this lesson.

    This lesson contains one video and tutorials.

    Physical ear-training exercises follow up on the contents of this lesson.

  • Make personal sounds appropriate to the music style

    This lesson is about your own long-term process that begins with music that you like. What kind of sounds are natural to that music? Not only the voice sounds but also other instruments.

    The exercises of this lesson are mainly about jamming along with recordings (presumably in a room where nobody can hear you).

    Adapt your sound to the expression of others

    The ability to adapt your voice to the expression of others is central to singing together. This is a skill that any choir singer can learn, first step by step, and then by putting the different pieces together in an intuitive way.

    The exercises of this lesson require another singer to practise together with.

  • This lesson consists of three parts:

    1 - sing a simple melody with different dynamics; anything from quiet to loud

    2. Identify important keywords (=”stations”) in a song lyric to emphasize in your voice expression

    3. Sing a simple melody in different ways, by visualizing various kinds of emotional states.

  • Physical ear-training: to learn music theory by doing. Music theory without theory.

    Sing and play at the same time

    This lesson includes two videos and exercise tutorials for singing and playing at the same time. You need a keyboard, a piano or a guitar to do this lesson. Or a piano app in your smartphone.

    Purpose: To activate intuitive understanding of connections between notes, intervals and scales.

    Audiation of harmony

    This lesson contains exercises for basic understanding of chords, through visual and tactile means.

    Two videos.

    Embodied score learning

    This lesson contains exercises for visua, audiotory and tactile understanding of notation of rhythm, and notation of note pitch.

    Two videos.

  • Anything Can Happen








  • Glossary


    Course updates



Voice technique

The chapter Sound & Blend contains exercises for voice technique especially relevant to singing together; exercises that may also be useful in solo singing practice.


For warmup exercises for individual practice, feel free to check out Katarina Henryson’s online course.


For choir leadership practice, stay tuned for our upcoming online course Rehearse.

About Peder Karlsson

photo: Cecilia Lundmark

Peder Karlsson, born 1963 in Stockholm, Sweden, is an a cappella singer, teacher, composer and arranger, involved professionally with vocal music since the 1980s.

Between 1984 and 1989, Peder studied arranging, composition and guitar at The Royal Academy of Music in Stockholm, Sweden, with a post-graduate Diploma in vocal group performance.

The Real Group 

As a member of the Swedish a cappella group The Real Group between 1984-2010, Peder made more than 2000 concerts all over the world, recorded 16 CDs, and led many workshops, masterclasses and seminars all over the world. 

Perpetuum Jazzile

Between 2011-14, Peder was Musical Director of the XXL vocal group Perpetuum Jazzile, Slovenia. 

RAMA Vocal Center

Since January 2015, Peder teaches innovative choir direction at Royal Academy of Music in Aarhus and Aalborg, Denmark, with a focus on singer-centered methodology, artistic development processes, as well as musical and social interaction.

Choirs for Ecocide Law 

Web site - Youtube channel

Peder is a founding member of the core team of this choral and artistic project to raise awareness of Ecocide Law as an effective tool for a global transition to long-term sustainability.

Play it by voice

– let the music be your teacher

Play It By Voice is a learning system for collective singing, based on experiences where you learn from music itself.

Unlock your potential is a natural starting point for this pedagogy, with exercises and tutorials for the individual practice of choir singers and vocal group singers.

Have fun! Good luck!